Tash-Khauli Palace (“stony yard”) firstly called the Palace of Allakulikhan and was rebuilt at the gates of Palvan-darvaza. Tash-Khauli Palace reminds the castle with high walls, topped with towers and fortified with gates. In its architecture the traditions of Khorezm houses and outside houses (“khauli”) with its closed yards, shady columned ayvans and lodge are
Kunya-Ark Citadel (“old fortress”) is internal citadel of Ichan-kala. It was built in the 17th century by Mukhammad Erenk Khan. Kunya-ark was separated from Ichan-kala by high wall at the end of 18th century. There were Khan’s mosque, residence, Supreme Court, Khan’s reception (Kurinish-xona), powder mill, arsenal, monetary, chancellery, harem, kitchens, stables, guardhouses and other
Djuma Mosque is situated in the very center of Ichan-kala. The mosque was built by khan’s dignitary Abdurakhman Mikhtar. Modern building of Djuma Mosque was built in the 18th century. The special atmosphere for praying in the mosque makes poor lighting through three overhead hatches and rows of carved wooden columns, the number of which
Pakhlavan Makhmud complex is located besides the grave of saint patron of Khiva, poet and philosopher, professional wrestler and master furrier - Pakhlavan Makhmud (1247-1326). He was honored not only in Khiva, but also in Iran and India as the protector of fighters and poets, healer of disease. Pakhlavan Makhmud was buried in his workshop.
Kalta Minor is located in the main faсade of Muhammad Aminkhan madrasah. It is not a high minaret (the word “kalta” means small). Actually, it should have been one of the greatest minarets of Central Asia with the height up to 70 meters. The construction of Muhammad Aminkhan’s minaret and madrasah should have completed the
Palvan-darvaza is not only Eastern gate of Ichan-kala, but also a big trading construction. In 17th-18th centuries there were old gates at the same place where Khan’s prison was situated. The gates were rebuilt during Iltuzarkhan’s and later Allakulikhan’s ruling. Arched gates with battlements and side towers are located on the crossing point with the
Sitorai Mokhi-Khosa Palace was a country residence of Bukhara emirs. It had been under construction for two decades beginning from the end of 19th century. Construction works at the old palace started at emir Abdullakhadkhan. He sent Bukharian masters to Petersburg and Yalta for study of Russian architecture there. Using Russian experience, local architects at
Chor Bakr Necropolis is a country burial vault of sheikhs from Djuybar seyids. It is located in Sumitan village at 5 km to the west from Bukhara. Djuybar seyids occupied the major state posts in Bukhara since the Samanid’s governing. Necropolis was formed around the tomb of Abubakr Saad - the founder of the dynasty.
Chor Minor Madrasah (four minarets) was built in 1807 by a rich Turkmen Caliph Niyazkul. Madrasah is located on one of the ancient streets of Bukhara in the old part of the city. Madrasah consists of a courtyard with one-storied hudjras situating at both sides, columned ayvan of the summer mosque, water reservoir faced with