Rich cultural heritage, more than hundred preserved sacred places related to Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism religions make Uzbekistan an attracted place to visit for tourists and pilgrims all over the world. Mosques, madrasahs, mausoleums, churches, synagogues, temples and various cultural centers give an opportunity to touch the history of worldwide famous religions that played a significant role in the development of the spiritual and cultural life of Uzbekistan.

Before the appearance of Islam on the territory of modern Asian region, Buddhism was widely spread here. Through archeological excavations it had been known that Termez city (located on the southern part of Uzbekistan) was one of the biggest centers of Buddhism in Central Asia. From Termez, through the monk-pilgrims travelling on the Great Silk Road, Buddhism religion reached China and Tibet.
Before appearance of Islam on the territory of modern Central Asian region there was Buddhism religion widely spread there. Due to archeological excavations it had been known that Termez city was one of the biggest centers of Buddhism in the Central Asia. Many structures of Buddhist style were found in the northern-western part of the city.
From that place with the help of monk-pilgrims Buddhism religion reached China and Tibet through the Great Silk Road.
Choosing this tour You might have an opportunity to find fragments of crockery of that ancient time or even sculptures of Buddha on the places of excavations!